After traveling in Asian countries, I worried about getting sick. Hey, after seeing what I have seen, you would be worried too. There's no such thing as a "clean" fly. Nothing looked sanitary. And I'm talking about "old" not "young" dirt. There's a big difference. Now, I have accepted the fact that clean is relative.
Americans are obsessed with cleanliness. We even have sanitary landfills (haha). Seriously, we purchase anti-bacterial soap, as if "regular" soap is not quite good enough to get the job done. Some people even use a paper towel to open the bathroom door after washing their hands. Many restrooms in Thailand don't even have soap OR paper towels, yet, people are still alive. Simply amazing.
Don't get me wrong, I still respect bacteria, but if I only ate food that "looked" okay then I might starve to death. Actually, I'm more scared of water than food - at least the food has been cooked. Never drink from the tap. I even use bottled water to brush my teeth. I feel like I'm playing with a gun every time I order some food. Blank or bullet? Always carry some immodium and antibiotics just in case it goes off.
In Kenya and Peru, we placed a washcloth over the faucet in the room to remind us not to use the water from the faucet to brush our teeth in.