Friday, July 6, 2012

Night Market

Food 'n Stuff
Ever been to a flea market? At night? That's what I thought. Night markets are common throughout Asia. The concept is simple and universal - to sell a bunch of stuff cheaply. And, you can haggle with the owners to try and lower the price, assuming that both of you can speak the same language!

The main difference between Eastern and Western versions is this...  Used junk is often sold in the West and new junk is often sold in the East. Oh yeah, one other thing.  Most of the Eastern junk is counterfeit. Some of it is so good that you can't tell the copycat from the original.

Forget the shopping, night markets are good locations to watch people and enjoy some delicious food. It's my favorite place to eat because of the selection (enormous) and price (super cheap).


  1. Envy you!! I love Thai food! BTW, have you checked your email? I've got an email from IRB saying we need to resubmit the application. Let me know what I need to do about it.
    It's unbearably hot here! Stay COOL.

  2. What is the time difference? Do you have a phone in your hotel room? I guess you should. How can I reach you by phone?
    I have a calling card:)

    1. I have a phone in the room, but it does not work. :) Save your phone card for someone else. Khon Kaen is 12 hours ahead of Columbia.
